The Solar system range, dedicated to the installation of photovoltaic panels, comes from the huge know-how of fischer in the world of fastening.
Solar systems are designed for domestic, commercial and industrial installations and satisfy different types of applications: the range offers various solutions dedicated to pitched roofs, flat roofs and special geometries.
Solar products are TÜV certified, which guarantees the execution of static calculations on the product, according to DIN 1055-4, DIN 10555, EN1991-1-3 and EN 19911-1-4, and ensures the evaluation of snow and wind action parameters.
SOLARPANEL-FIX is an Online module of the FiXperience Suite for the design of mounting systems for photovoltaic panels: it supports professionals in the design of the photovoltaic substructure through a clear and logical flow.
The software allows to automatically calculate the actions of snow and wind loads through the geolocation of the construction site, according to the requirements of the European Standard EN 1991 (Eurocode 1). In addition, it allows to download the bill of materials to create the substructure, the installation plan and a technical report. The latter outlines the structural checks of the system parts, according to the European Standards EN 1993 (Eurocode 3), EN 1999 (Eurocode 9) and according to fischer specifications.
Coming soon!